Katarina: Our Multicultural Education Coordinator

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the government recognised they had a key role in providing services for our culturally diverse society. This is clear if we look at Sydney Institute enrolments in 2005-33% of all enrolments are from NESBS and the students at our institute speak 80 different l

Before you listen to the interview with the Multicultural Education Coordinator at our college, check this glossary of some of the words used in the interview: MEC Glossary.
Listen to this interview and answer the questions below.

- What does MEC stand for?
- Where can you find the MEC's office at St George College?
- When can you see her?
- How can you contact her?
- What type of help does she offer? (You'll have to listen to the whole interview to answer this question)
- What does EFS stand for?
- Name a couple of ESP courses running this semester.
- What does ESP stand for?
- What makes ESP different to mainstream courses?
- What course is just starting for women?
- Do they always offer the same courses?
- What do they teach in the course Playgroup Course for South Pacific and Maori participants?
- Why does Rosa say Katarina's job is really full time?

Labels: esl, ESL podcasts, esol, multiculturalism, podcasting, Sydney